In the world of sales, fortune is in the follow up. Yet many salespeople underestimate the power of this crucial step in the sales process. Effective follow up can make the difference between a lost opportunity and a closed deal. Here’s why.
Builds Trust and Credibility
Follow-up demonstrates your commitment to your prospect and shows that you value their business. Consistent follow up helps build trust and credibility. By staying in touch and providing value over time, you can strengthen your relationship with the prospect and increase the likelihood of a successful sale.
Keeps You Top of Mind
In today's busy world, prospects are bombarded with messages from various sources. Following up regularly keeps you top of mind and ensures that your prospect remembers you when they’re ready to make a decision. This gives you a competitive edge over other salespeople who haven’t followed up.
Addresses Concerns and Overcomes Objections
Following up provides an opportunity to address any concerns or objections the prospect may have. By actively listening to their feedback and addressing their issues, you can alleviate their concerns and move them closer to finally making the decision to buy. Your business can also learn from these concerns and tailor their sales approach accordingly.
Maximizes ROI on Lead Generation
Generating leads is a costly and time consuming process. Effective follow ups ensure that you maximize the ROI on your lead generation efforts by converting more leads into customers. It's far more cost effective to convert an existing lead than to generate a new one.
Here’s How
Following up is a critical component of the sales process that should not be overlooked. The best way to ensure you follow up is to stay organized. It may help to create a spreadsheet with all of your prospects and corresponding dates of when to follow up.
Samplead is also working on a follow up feature which will automatically tag profiles and notify the user on who they should send a follow up message to. By simply sending a follow up message to a client, you can unlock all the benefits mentioned. Always remember, the fortune is in the follow up.