Insights & Tips

What Is Personalization and Why Is It So Important?

What Is Personalization and Why Is It So Important?

What do you do when you buy a shirt that is too big on the sleeves? You take it to a tailor. The tailor will then take your exact measurements, compare those measurements to the original shirt, and act accordingly by tailoring the shirt to the exact shape of your desired fit and style. So, when you walk out of that tailor shop, that shirt fits as if it was made for you.

This process is otherwise known as personalization. When we personalize something, we tailor a service so that it is suitable for a particular person and accommodates their specific needs.

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Personalization happens at every end of the spectrum,

for both businesses and consumers. Talking about personalization in the sales world is found at every step. Starting with prospecting, when customers get their first impression of your brand, seeing something relatable to them, whether that be their name or shared interest heightens their likeliness of engagement.

According to Forbes, 91% of consumers say they are more likely to shop with brands that provide recommendations that are relevant to them, and 80% of consumers are then more likely to purchase a brand that offers personalized experiences.

Even HubSpot has published data claiming that Personalized Calls to Action Perform 202% Better Than Basic Calls to Action.

As every media channel becomes flooded with advertisements or suggested posts, it is crucial to stand out, and personalization is a perfect way to do so.

So what does personalization look like outside of the dry cleaners? Technology.

Advances in technology allow us to utilize customer insights and interpretations of qualitative and quantitative data that give us a better understanding of why consumers think and feel the way they do. At the most basic level, customer insights help us better understand the customer's overall experience and how we can improve personalization moving forward.

Personalization manifests in TikTok's algorithm of endless videos on our own For You Page, Spotify's recommended songs, or the movies Netflix has lined up for you once finishing the one you were watching. All of which makes you feel like an individual, interacting with a platform made specifically for you. This feeling is the feeling of successful personalization.

If it seems like a never-ending circle of personalizing your invitation to attract customers, analyzing customer insights to improve your personalization, and starting over again, it should be.

Let's begin.

Reaching Out

Customers get flooded with messages every day. What is going to make you different?

There are a few options to get your foot in the door. The first is targeted emails and messages. Gone are the days of blindly blasting emails. Here are the days with specified and personalized emails, including gender-specific, interest-specific, and anything-that-can-be-specific announcements to gain potential customers' trust. Some might say gone the days of emails, and here are the days of social media messaging, but we can leave that up to the desired level of personalization~

Reaching out to each prospect and finding your special something-in-common sounds draining and time-consuming. Luckily there are a few tools on the internet to help you out.

1. LinkedIn

Using the LinkedIn search bar, you can start a search for leads by filtering Posts, People, Companies, Jobs, Schools, Events, courses, services, and even social groups. Use a boolean search to make your search more specific, and check out this LinkedIn hacks: hidden in plain sight to dive even deeper :) We want to pinpoint the exact connection that will be the foundation of this new relationship!

2. PhantomBuster

Phantom Buster takes a LinkedIn search a step further, allowing you to use the results from the search to turn up specific data on these profiles. Using the data of said people in these LinkedIn groups, events, posts, etc., Phantom Buster pulls up relevant data from their profiles for you to then use as a way to connect. I know this might sound like science fiction, so here are some tips and tricks to get you started.

3. Samplead!

That's right; we are here to help! Through our advanced AI technology, our software will find your connections for you. Not only will Sampelad generate a list of potential new people, but it will create unique and personalized messages to send them using the content that connects you. All you have to do is introduce yourself using your Linkedin profile. Cut out hours behind a desk and at a computer searching on your own. Let us do the work for you.

4. Gaining Customer Insights

Want to gain engagement and feedback at the same time through personalization? Give a shot at incentives. We see incentives in filling out forms or surveys in exchange for discounts or special promotions. This way, both ends benefit. The customer feels seen and valued by sharing their feedback, but honestly, the incentive allows them to do so because of the special promotion they receive. The business also benefits because now they have optimal feedback on the extent of the success/failure that their product delivered. Even further, the company has directly collected additional personal data points to track through customer insights, allowing for further personalization in the future or even recording the successes of specific types of data points for further improvement.

5. Ready to Personalize?

Personalization campaigns require research and specific types of data tracking to create a strong presence and online personality. More than anything, they need attention and observation of the most insignificant details. However, as time and data will tell, this meticulous process will improve business tremendously in the long run.

Although it might sound overwhelming, we at Samplead are here to help you save all the manual, meticulous work and craft the perfect message to the right person at the right time.

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More prospects, more conversions

It's a simple formula. Time-based personalization means more replies, which means more opportunities, which means more sales!