How To

Magic Moments Prospect Management

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  • This article will take you through the steps of organizing your prospects once Magic Moments begins to generate suggestions for you.
  • After the AI takes time to process your uploaded profiles, you will begin to get new suggested profiles. In order to navigate to this page, look for the “New Suggestions” prompt in the top right corner.
  • From here, you will be able to see the suggested profiles that were generated for you. You will be able to see the potential customer’s name, position, company, LinkedIn profile, and from where the AI generated the lead. You will also have the ability to approve the profile and add them to your list, or to deny the profile and delete it from your suggested list.
  • If you choose to deny a prospect, you will be met with a prompt that asks you to describe why you denied the prospect. Be as truthful as you can with this prompt, as it will help the AI generate more relevant prospects for you.
  • Once you approve the profile and add them to your list, you will be able to see more information about the leads that were generated and their respective companies. In order to access this information, press the “expand” prompt in the top right corner. If you only want to access a particular profile’s information, press the + next to their name.
  • You will also see an AI generated message that you can send them. You can instruct AI to customize this message to be just an icebreaker (Formal, Casual, Friendly, or Our Choice) under the “1st message” tab, or have AI generate a value proposition for the lead under the “2nd message” tab. If you want the AI to generate a new message with different phrasing, press the “rephrase” prompt in the bottom left corner.

  • It is important that you individually approve and/or deny the suggested prospects because it helps the system learn more about your ideal customer profiles, allowing it to generate more relevant profiles to you in the future and avoid generating irrelevant profiles.
  • If you have any further questions, please contact customer support!

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