Case Studies

Samplead + Ermetic

See how we did it!
Samplead Helped Ermetic Shifting SDR Focus from List Building and research to book meetings and Selling
Ermetic is a fast-growing leader in the identity-first cloud infrastructure security platform space that provides holistic, multi-cloud protection in an easy-to-deploy Saas solution.
Yoni Bagelman
Business Development Manager
lt took 30% of our sales team time to build prospect lists, and another 20% to build personalization. With Samplead not only we were able to free our time to focus on seIling, but we also saw reply rate grow X4 and meeting booked X2.
Dave So
WW Director, Sales Development
This is a game changer, the potential of time based prospecting & personalization is huge
Craft a personalized message to each prospect
Uncover prospects formerly beyond reach
Automate hours of manuał research
Within 1 month of deploying Samplead, Ermetic experienced:
More meetings booked
Increase in reply rate
SDR time saved

More leads, more conversions

It's a simple formula: Time-based personalization means more replies, which means more opportunities, which means more sales!
Try Samplead now 🚀
More leads, more conversions