How To

How to Interpret Your Statistics

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  • The statistics section on Samplead's dashboard provides valuable insights for users by presenting a comprehensive overview of their outbound funnel. Users can track the progress of their connections, including the number of connections made, those who replied, and successful bookings of meetings. Additionally, the section offers detailed information about each connected profile, such as the time-based trigger that prompted AI suggestion, and the geographical region from which the profiles originate, enhancing user understanding and enabling targeted outreach strategies. But how do you access and accurately interpret this information? This article will show you how!

  • The first step in gaining access to the statistics page is to navigate to the statistics tab on the left side of your Samplead dashboard. 

  • Once you’ve reached the statistics page, you should see all of your statistics begin to populate. But how should each statistic be interpreted?

  • The first statistic would be the outbound funnel, shown on the top left of the statistics page. This outbound funnel will have five different sections:
  • the number of requests you have sent out via LinkedIn
  • the number of requests that became connections
  • The number of requests that replied to an initial message
  • The number of requests that were interested in setting up a sales meeting
  • The number of meetings that were booked
  • Each of these sections are individually clickable, and clicking on the sections will cause the other three statistics to change to only represent the section that you’ve selected. For example, if you select the “replied” section, the other three statistics will only show the data for the connections that replied to an initial message.
  • The next statistic section would be the profile section. This section lays out all of the profile data of your prospects. This section can be downloaded to a CSV document by selecting the “export data” tab in the top left.

  • The next statistic section to note is the pie chart in the bottom left of the screen. This pie chart gives a percentage breakdown of what time-based triggers Samplead’s AI technology utilized to suggest the profiles to you. This can show the user what kinds of triggers are used to generate and find most of their profiles.

  • The final statistics section depicts a map of the globe and has small circles to represent where each profile originates from. Having the ability to view the geographic locations of potential business prospects allows users to identify target markets, localize their outreach efforts, and tailor their messaging and strategies based on regional preferences and needs.
  • This explains what the statistics section is and how to interpret the data! If you have any further questions, please contact customer support.

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