How To

How To Use Instant Personalization (Manually Upload Prospects)

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  • Uploading your ideal customer profile’s LinkedIn URL to Samplead’s instant personalization program offers several benefits. Firstly, it provides instant personalization by extracting relevant information from your profile, allowing for a comprehensive customer profile to be created effortlessly. Secondly, the program utilizes advanced algorithms to generate uniquely tailored introductory messages, saving you valuable time and effort in crafting individual messages for each customer. Lastly, this automated approach ensures consistency and accuracy in your outreach, enhancing the effectiveness of your customer engagement and increasing the likelihood of positive responses. But how does it work in Samplead’s database? This article is here to help. 

  • The first thing you will need to do in order to utilize instant personalization is create a new campaign. To create a new campaign, you will want to navigate to the “create a new campaign” button on your dashboard.
  • Once you’ve created a new campaign, you will want to upload your customer profile into the campaign. To do this you will need to find the “upload more” button in the top right of your screen.
  • From here, you will be prompted to choose between contacting your customer profile via LinkedIn or email, and to upload a CSV file with all of the necessary information. The image below demonstrates what a proper CSV file will look like.
  • Once you have uploaded your CSV file, your profiles will populate in your campaign. If you toggle the profile you would like to contact, you will see that a comprehensive profile summary has been built on the left side, and a tailored message for the profile has been generated on the right. You can also see where the AI gathered its sources, with some examples being personal info from their digital footprint or their company’s info.

  • We hope this article helped! If you have any questions, please contact customer support.

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